Our endocrinologist provides specialized care

in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes,

thyroid disease and other hormonal or

endocrinology problems.


We offer many hormone and supplement-based

treatments to complement

the medical needs of our patients

and encourage holistic wellness. 

Our practices concentrate on treating the 

whole patient and providing a continuum of 


​​​Primary Care

  • Cardiopulmonary Testing
  • Comprehensive Health Assessment
  • Echocardiogram (EKG)


  • Thyroid & Neck Ultrasound In-Office
  • Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of thyroid nodules, lymph nodes and masses in the neck performed in the office
  • Insulin Pump Therapy
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring Sensor (CGMS)

Treatment Plans 

  • Bio-identical Hormone Therapy
  • Treatment of Yeast Overgrowth
  • Thyroid Replacement Therapy
  • Evaluation of Adrenal Fatigue - Stress
  • Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation
  • Nutrition & Fitness Counseling
  • Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder